How to Create an e-commerce Website with WordPress and open a online store


Hello, friends. today I’ll teach you how to make a professional and beautiful e-commerce website for absolutely free. To create this online store, we’ll be using only the best and most free resources. We’ll be using a free theme, free page builder, and only free plug-ins. Now for the design features and functionalities of this website, I’ve taken inspiration from the top e-commerce websites in the world like Amazon, Walmart, Flipkart, and AliExpress.

This e-commerce website, although made using only free resources, has all the basic and essential features that a professional e-commerce website must have. On this website, you can create any product, whether it be a simple product, sale product, variable or digital product, product. And customers can come to your website, add to their cart any product, and when they do that, shipping cost and tax will automatically be calculated based on the shipping address and the product’s weight and dimension.

And then they do the checkout and choose the payment gateway. Now, the best thing over here is that your customers don’t have to go to any third-party website like PayPal or any other website. You can accept credit and debit card payments right on your website because we’ll be securing our website with an SSL certificate, and I’ll show you a live payment in this tutorial.

And once the payment is done, the customer will get all the order details that they can use later on to track the order. And every time an order is placed on your website, you will be notified through email. Now, this free e-commerce has many features that even premium teams and plugins don’t offer, like the wish list feature, order tracking feature, variation switches, and clean and modern website design. Not to mention that this website is 100 % mobile and tablet friendly, and it is also optimized for the best SEO settings so that you get a better ranking on Google search results.

And you don’t need any technical or programming knowledge to create this website. It’s just going to be a simple drag-and-drop. Now, before you proceed further before I show you how to create this website, let me show you a very quick demo of this website so that you can understand the design of this website and its features, and you can see whether all the required features are available or not. Now, first of all, this is the homepage of this website, of this e-commerce website. Now, if you see at the top over here, we have our header.

In the header on the left-hand side, you have your logo. If you want, you can replace this with your custom logo. In the middle, we have a simple menu. You can create your menu. We have the homepage, shop page, blog page, track order, and contact page. You can create many more pages. And if somebody wants to search for any specific product, they can click on the search icon and they can search for that product. Then we have the wish list icon.

As I said earlier, we have the wish list feature as well. If somebody wants to wish list any product, they can simply click on this heart icon and this product will be added to their wish list. If I go to the top, as you can see now it says two products.

If I click on this heart icon, you can see these two products are now added to your wish list. Now, the second icon over here is this icon, this user icon, or the person icon. This will give you this dashboard. We have this amazing front-end dashboard for our customers. They can anytime come over here, they can see the orders that they have placed, can see the order number, can track the order.

And if there is any downloadable product, if you are creating any digital downloadable product, they can come to Downloads and they can download that particular product. This customer can also manage their payment method. They can come over here and they can add their payment method. They can add their card details which simplify the process. Next time when they try to make a payment, this payment card will automatically be saved. They can also change their account details like passwords and all these things. Then we have the card icon. I’ll show you how this thing works.

First, let’s start this again, come back to our homepage. Now, you see, I have divided this page into different sections. Now, the very first section is this section, your banner section. You might have seen a similar section on Amazon Flip card or some other famous e-commerce website. Here we have a title some subtitles, and two different call-to-action buttons. Now, in the background, we have this beautiful, colorful thing and on top, we have this image. We have this person wearing this blazer. Now, I aim to create this thing or to make this tutorial a complete tutorial, a one-stop solution.

In this article, I’ll also cover how to create these banners. I’ll show you using only free resources, using only free tools, how you can create this background that I’ve created, and then after that, how you can get these images for free. If you don’t already have some images, for example, if you’re selling shirts, if you don’t have shirts, if you don’t have professional images for those shirts, I’ll show you how you can get those images for absolutely free. Professional high-quality images I’m talking about.

Now, if you want, you can redirect your customers to different pages by using these calls to action. If somebody, for example, clicks on this Shop Now button, you can redirect them to the Shop page or some other page. Then we have the next section, which is this section. You can enter some details. Here, for example, first of all, we are entering these beautiful icons. Now, these are not regular icons. I’ll show you how we can get these icons for free. These are free icons, by the way, but these are not regular icons. These are some really special and professional icons that you can get for absolutely free.

Again, I’ll show you in this tutorial how we can get that for free. Then we have a title, Free Shipping. We are saying that we’ve provided free shipping on all orders over $200. Then we have dedicated support again with this icon and all. Quick response, 24 7, money-back guarantee, and all these options. Then we have the categories icon. We have the T-shirts category, mugs category, hats category, sunglasses category, hoodies, badges, and whatever you want. I’ll show you how you can create these banners as well.

These banners are also created using only free resources. For example, if you see this banner, created using free resources. I’ll show you how we can create a banner like this. Then after that, we can link this banner with different categories.

For example, if somebody clicks on this T-shirt category or T-shirt banner, they will be redirected to a page wherein they can see only the T-shirts, and all the t-shirts listed on this particular website. Then if you scroll down, you’ll see we have the Featured Product section. I’ll show you how you can mark some of your projects or how you can set some of your products as your featured products so that you can display them on your homepage.

Now, when you hover over this product, as you can see, the image changes. If you see if there is any product on sale, you will see this minus 4 % off or whatever that sale amount or discount amount is. I’ve already shown you this thing. If you want to or if your customers want to add any product to the wish list, they can click on this icon, this product will be added to the wish list.

Now, if your customers want to add any product to the cart, for example, I want to add this product to my cart, I can click on add to cart. This product will be added to my cart and you will see this thing on the right-hand side. You will see this slide on the right-hand side.

You can see products you have added to your cart. What is the subtotal? If you want, you can see your cart or if you want, you can go to checkout. I’ll show you the cart page and checkout page as well. First, let’s see some other things. First, let’s complete the homepage. Now, if a certain product is out of stock, this will tell you that this product is out of stock.

For example, this one. Then if you scroll down, if somebody wants, they can click on shop now so that they can see all the products. Here we are listing only eight products, but if somebody wants to see all the listed products, they can click on this button. Then we have the client section or the testimonial section. We are saying that we are getting a 4.8 average rating. You can display some of your famous testimonials, and positive testimonials.

Then you can display some of your images, galleries, or Instagram post. Then we have the footer at the bottom, your website name, your website description, some menus, support icons, and a newsletter. At the bottom, you can display your copyright text.

Obviously, instead of this thing, you can enter your company details. Now, let’s open a single product. Let’s see what a single product page looks like. Let’s open this one. Now, as you can see, this is how a single product page will look like. At the top, you have your bread crumb and then you have this thing, you have your gallery. If you want to see different images of this product, you can have this thing. We have different designs for single products, by the way.

This is just one of those designs. For example, if you don’t want to display these gallery images over here on the left-hand side, you can display them at the bottom. If somebody wants, they can click on this image and they can zoom in this image. That option is also available. The title of the product, then this product is available on discount as you can see 4 % discount. You can see that this original price is stripped out and the new price is this one. Then we have a short description.

If somebody wants to add this product to the cart, they can increase or decrease the quantity. They can see the categories and everything and you can also display this badge. We are displaying that this is guaranteed safe checkout. Because we are using SSL256 bit security on our website, check out and everything is 100 % safe. You can also display the payment gate you’re using. I’ll give you all these images, and all these badges for free. Don’t worry about that. Then at the bottom, you can display a long description. Here you can display images as well. You can display icons and all.

A long description of your product. If there is any review on your product, you can see that thing as well. If somebody wants to post any review, they can select the rating, they can type in the comment and they can click on submit. Then after that, this rating will be submitted, and now as you can see, one review and you can see the review at the top as well. Then at the bottom, you can see some related products as well. If this customer is not interested in this product, this customer can find some other product that they might be interested in.

We also will see how to create a variable product. Let me show you what a variable product is. So for example, let me open this product. So variable product is a product that is available in different variations. For example, suppose this is a T-shirt and this same T-shirt is available in different colors. If I select black color, the image changes to this black, and the price changes to $ 110. If I select this orange color, as you can see, the image changes to orange, price changes to $135. If I select white, the image changes to white and the price also changes.

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